10 novembre 2023

Seminario di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza - Edoardo Rivello (Università di Torino)

10 novembre 2023

Venerdì 10 novembre 2023 ore 11:00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala "Altana"


Edoardo Rivello (Università di Torino)

Reasoning about truth: Gupta's puzzle as a case study


Abstract: Examples of reasoning taken from ordinary language are often employed in the philosophical debate to sustain arguments in favour or against theories of truth and paradox. Is  the rationale behind these uses of logic puzzles either normative or descriptive? By taking from the field of formal theories of truth a paradigmatic example – Gupta’s puzzle – as our case study, we will argue that the answer to the above question cannot be simply either “purely normative” or “purely descriptive”, rather we will point to a necessary and fruitful interplay  between normative and descriptive aspects of such kinds of philosophical investigation.


→ locandina



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